Webinar with United Nations System Staff College

Through the OEB 2018 conference the WAVES team delivered a workshop on using and creating virtual scenarios for training. There was a lot of interest generated from the session and one of the contacts we made was with the Associate Fellow from United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) whom are a centre of excellence for training and knowledge management within the United Nations system.

As part of their service they are providing a series of webinars called “Innovation in Learning” to their colleagues from different organisations globally whom are responsible for training in their own organisations. As part of the series WAVES were asked to present a webinar on virtual scenarios and how they are used within Higher Education and Business.

The WAVES webinar entitled “Using Virtual Scenarios for Training” was the 3rd webinar in the Innovations in learning series and was presented by Sheetal, Terry and Lindsay. The 60 min webinar helped the answer the following questions:

  • What are scenario-based leaning and virtual scenarios?
  • How can you use them in teaching and training?
  • How do you create a virtual scenarios?

The session was attended by over 35 participants from around the world. The session was an interactive session where participants were asked to answer a number of questions using an online polling tool. During the session over 93% of the participants reported they could see Virtual Scenarios being used within their organisation from the examples shown by both Bayer and St George’s. Some feedback on what participants will take away from the session were:

“Great refresher on Scenario-based learning; motivates me to think about how we can further use it within the organisation”

“Engagement activities usable for large organisations”

“Great information, ideas and interested in learning more about SBL”

The session was captured and can be accessed by signing up the UNSSC “Innovation in Learning” board here.

6. 6. 2018
