

Year: 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016


The 11th year of the traditional MEFANET (MEdical Faculties NETwork) conference gave floor to one keynote speaker from the WAVES consortium (Inga Hege: Learning clinical reasoning in virtual environments) and a workshop organized by the WAVES partners, entitled: Integration of low- and hi-fidelity simulations to maximize the pedagogical value of educational medical simulation centers.

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WAVES meeting in MEFANET, Brno

The 4th WAVES face-to-face meeting took place on 27th and 28th November 2017 in Brno, Czech Republic. The project meeting was followed by the 11th MEFANET conference where the WAVES project delivered a workshop and a Key Note presentation focused on Scenario Based Learning and WAVES outcomes.

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AMEE Conference 2017

The Association for Medical Education in Europe organized their annual AMEE Conference which took place in Helsinki from 26th to 30th August. This conference brings together professionals and students interested in Medical Education and gives participants a great opportunity to discuss and explore the innovations and exciting research in this fields.

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WAVES project meeting and IEEE CBMS 2017

The last WAVES project meeting took place in Thessaloniki, in June 2017. This meeting brought together the 6 Project Partners (St George’s, University of London, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Karolinska Institutet, Masaryk University, Instruct and Bayer) to discuss and plan the implementation of the project outputs.

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7th University Business Forum, Brussels

As representatives of the WAVES project, partners from both St George’s, University of London and Bayer Plc participated in the 7th University Business Forum (6–7 April 2017) in Brussels.

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The 10th year of the traditional MEFANET conference was held on 29–30 November 2016 in Hotel Continental, Brno (Czech Republic). In the keynote lecture session, the floor was given to two invited speakers from abroad.

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